The Sci-Fi Novella You Need to Add to Your Book Collection: ‘Countess’ by Suzan Palumbo
Photo courtesy of Suzan Palumbo
written by Alya Somar
Autumn is the busiest season in the publishing world and this year is no exception. Among a flurry of releases, Suzan Palumbo’s “Countess” stands out as an impactful and skilled novella. Palumbo is an accomplished Trinidadian Canadian writer from Brampton, Ontario. During her career, her short stories have been nominated for Nebula, Aurora and World Fantasy Science Fiction awards. Her debut collection “Skin Thief: Stories” received acclaim and her debut novella “Countess” from Toronto publisher ECW Press is sure to receive equal praise.
In “Countess,” colonial narratives are replicated and challenged through the lens of science fiction. Acerbot is the oppressive intergalactic regime that exploits Antillian labour on their colonised planets for profit, having continued Earth's legacy of the exploitation of the Caribbean by sourcing citizens for the Antillian planets from across the West Indies. Though many have tried to rebel against the empire, none have succeeded. Within this political backdrop, readers meet their protagonist Virika Sameroo. Virika is a new captain within the Acerbot army who has been thrust into the role of leadership unexpectedly. This exciting and hopeful time does not last long. Through Virika’s story of heartache and rebellion, readers will find themselves engrossed in her tale.
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Palumbo's strategic pacing is sure to hook readers from the first page and have them galloping with Virika until the end. Over ten years of the protagonist's life are carried out within the pages of “Countess,” and yet Palumbo's skillful writing makes it feel as though readers have effortlessly breezed through time within minutes. This is an impressive feat for a fresh voice on the sci-fi scene that is telling a story that spans generations and planets. Palumbo is able to actively engage readers with such heavy themes through her masterful use of craft and unique voice.
Caribbean folks from across the diaspora will be sure to connect intimately with Virika's character, as her own experiences as an immigrant and racialized person within the Acerbot empire closely mimic the lived experiences of the Caribbean diaspora living within colonial empires in present times.
Palumbo’s expert use of speculative fiction to illustrate anti-colonial narratives demonstrates a high level of dedication and care. Readers are also sure to root for Virika's open and honest character, as a proudly queer woman that refuses to silence her sexuality in order to carry favour with the oppressive regime that is Acerbot. The overall complexity of Virika doubles down on the complexities of the world she lives in, creating a great deal of depth that carries throughout the entire book.
At times, this is a story of an underdog triumphing against all odds, and other times, readers wait in excitement unsure of what their beloved protagonist's fate holds. “Countess” continues to deliver a thrilling story that keeps readers from all walks of life turning the page and rooting for the oppressed.
“Countess” can be purchased from ECW Press by clicking here.