Featured Stories
Black HERstory: Rebels, Revelers and Revolutionaries
They were rebels, revelers and revolutionaries. Take a look at five iconic Caribbean women who paved the way and are illuminating the future for generations of women to come. From the Crimean War to The Emmy Awards, each of these icons has contributed to their industry and to the betterment of women and people everywhere.
The Sci-Fi Novella You Need to Add to Your Book Collection: ‘Countess’ by Suzan Palumbo
In “Countess,” colonial narratives are replicated and challenged through the lens of science fiction. Set in Acerbot, the oppressive intergalactic regime exploits labour on colonised planets. This is a continuum of Earth's legacy of the exploitation of the Caribbean by sourcing free labour from across the West Indies.
What’s in Your Bag? The Perfume You Carry and What It Says About You
The perfume you carry reflects your identity, style and mood. Caribbean-inspired fragrances add a layer of warmth, vibrancy and tropical beauty, ideal for bringing a touch of the islands to your daily life. Whether you’re making a bold statement with an oriental scent or keeping it fresh and breezy with a citrus scent, the perfumes we choose are a reflection of us.
Shelley Worrell: The Cultural Pioneer Who Founded the World’s Only ‘Little Caribbean’ Neighborhood
Shelley Worrell on building a cultural legacy, entrepreneurship and more .
written by Shanida Carter
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